SAF Publications

SAF publications emerging from the BONUS BaltCoast project

Dinesen, GE., Neuenfeldt, S., Kokkalis, A., Lehmann, A., Egekvist, J., Kristensen, K., Munk, P., Hussy, K., Støttrup, JG. 2019. Cod and climate: a systems approach for sustainable fisheries management of cod (Gadus morhua) in coastal Danish waters. Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 943-958.

Gillgren, C., Støttrup, JG., Schumacher, J., Dinesen, GE. 2018. Working Together: Collaborative Decision Making for Sustainable Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 959-968.

Inácio, M., Schernewski, G., Nazemtseva, Y., Baltranaitė, E., Friedland, R., Benz, J. 2018. Ecosystem services provision today and in the past: a comparative study in two Baltic lagoons. Ecological Research 33(6), 1255-1274.

Inácio, M., Schernewski, G., Pliatsika, DA., Benz, J., Friedland, R. 2019. Assessing changes in ecosystem services provision in coastal waters. Sustainability 11(9), 2632.

Karnauskaitė, D., Schernewski, G., Støttrup, JG., Kataržytė, M. 2019. Indicator-based sustainability assessment tool to support coastal and marine management. Sustainability 11(11), 3175.

Karnauskaitė, D., Schernewski, G., Schumacher, J., Grunert, R., Povilanskas, R. 2018. Assessing coastal management case studies around Europe using an indicator based tool. Journal of Coastal Conservation 22(3), 549-570.

Różyński,G., Bielecka, M., Schönhofer, J. 2019. Application of Systems Approach Framework (SAF) to the Vistula Lagoon case in Poland. Ocean & Coastal Management 168: 90-102.

Schernewski, G., Bartel, C., Kobarg, N., Karnauskaite, D. 2017. Retrospective assessment of a managed coastal realignment and lagoon restoration measure: the Geltinger Birk, Germany. Journal of Coastal Conservation 22, 157-167.

Schernewski, G., Friedland, R., Buer, AL. et al. (2019). Ecological-social-economic assessment of zebra-mussel cultivation scenarios for the Oder (Szczecin) Lagoon. Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 913-929.

Schumacher, J., Schernewski, G., Bielecka, M., Loizides, MI., Loizidou, XI. 2018. Methodologies to support coastal management-A stakeholder preference and planning tool and its application. Marine Policy 94, 150-157.

Støttrup, JG., Dinesen, GE., Schumacher, J., Gillgren, C., Inácio, M., Schernewski, G. 2019. The Systems Approach Framework for collaborative, science-based management of complex systems. Journal of Coastal Conservation 23, 881-898.

Støttrup JG., Dinesen, GE., Janssen H., Gillgren, C., Schernewski G. 2017. Re-visiting ICM theory and practice: Lessons learned from the Baltic Sea Region. Ocean and Coastal Management 139, 64-76.

SAF publications emerging from the SPICOSA project

Hopkins, T., Bailly, D., Støttrup, JG., Sandberg, A., Elmgren, R. (Guest Editors). 2012. A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones. Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones

Selected papers

Dinesen, G. E., Timmermann, K., Roth, E., Markager, S., Ravn-Jonsen, L., Hjorth, M., Holmer, M., Støttrup, JG. 2011. Mussel production and Water Framework Directive targets in the Limfjord, Denmark: an integrated assessment for use in system-based management. Ecology and Society 16(4): 26. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones.

Hopkins, TS., Bailly, D., Støttrup JG. 2011. A systems approach framework for coastal zones. Ecology and Society 16(4): 25. Insight, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones.

Hopkins, TS., Bailly, D., Elmgren, R., Glegg, G. Sandberg, A., Støttrup, JG. 2012. A systems approach framework for the transition to sustainable development: potential value based on coastal experiments. Ecology and Society 17(3): 39. Synthesis, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones.

Konstantinou, ZI., Krestenitis, YN., Latinopoulos, D., Pagou, K., Galinou-Mitsoudi, S., Savvidis, Y. 2012. Aspects of mussel-farming activity in Chalastra, Thermaikos Gulf, Greece: an effort to untie a management Gordian Knot Ecology and Society 17(1): 1. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones

Melaku Canu, D., Campostrini, P., Dalla Riva, S., Pastres, R., Pizzo, L., Rossetto, L., Solidoro, C. 2011. Addressing sustainability of clam farming in the Venice lagoon. Ecology and Society 16(3): 26. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones

Moksness, E., Gjøsæter, J., Lagaillarde, G., Mikkelsen, E., Moland Olsen, E., Sandersen, HT., Helge Vølstad, J. 2011. Effects of fishing tourism in a coastal municipality: a case study from Risør, Norway. Ecology and Society 16(3): 11. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones

Schernewski, G., Stybel, N., Neumann, T. 2012. Zebra mussel farming in the Szczecin (Oder) Lagoon: water-quality objectives and cost-effectiveness. Ecology and Society 17(2): 4. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones.

Tomlinson, B., Sastre, S., Blasco, D., Guillén, J. 2011. The systems approach framework as a complementary methodology of adaptive management: a case study in the urban beaches of Barcelona. Ecology and Society 16(4): 28. Research, part of a Special Feature on A Systems Approach for Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones

Timmermann, K., Dinesen, GE., Markager, S., Ravn-Jonsen, L., Bassompierre, M., Roth, E., Støttrup JG. 2014. Development and Use of a Bioeconomic Model for Management of Mussel Fisheries under Different Nutrient Regimes in the Temperate Estuary of the Limfjord, Denmark. Ecology and Society 19 (1): 14.

Additional literature

Camilleri S, Pérez-Hurtado de Mendoza A, Gabbianelli G. (2015). Multiple DPSI frameworks for support of integrated research: a case study of the Bahía de Cádiz Nature Park (Spain). Journal of Coastal Conservation 19:677-691.

Elliott M, Burdon D, Atkins JP, et al. (2017). “And DPSIR begat DAPSI(W)R(M)!” - A unifying framework for marine environmental management. Marine Pollution Bulletin 118:27-40.
15 FEBRUARY 2025